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Search results for "chug"

Matching Tags: Chuggernaut


In The Company Of Serpent’s first album as a trio explores light as the prima materia—in other words, the core building block of existence....


Bringing together some of the most dangerous minds in extreme music, Umbra Vitae makes the meanest music possible and throws it at listeners like a javelin.


GWAR are not doctors.


Often, I'm reminded of Profanatica's first interview,  a grainy VHS dispatch immortalized on the internet. The cult trio huddle around two candles, their faces smudged...


Catharsis comes in many forms, and with that, the release and expression of emotions. This is what fuels and conceives most art, and within...

Extreme of the Extreme

How are you all doing out there in the world? It's not great times for anyone, especially if you're not a musician. There are...

New Music

Igorrr showed some heaviness with his track "Parpaing" featuring George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher of Cannibal Corpse, now he's showing some more of his unique range....

Latest News

Ozzy Osbourne producer Andrew Watt has been recovering from a serious bout with COVID-19, the coronavirus. He shares his tale and encourages folks young...

Upcoming Releases

"A tribute to the old gods, like Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Deicide."


Paraguayan death metal? Yes please!

Best of 2019

Honorable Mentions Bewitcher Under the Witching Cross Speedy riffy fun. That’s what it’s all about, and man is it a good time. Cloak The...

Best of 2019

Hoorah, one more year down the drain and fifty flippin' music releases have been chosen by yours truly! Despite listening to and whittling down...

Latest News

A meat and potatoes stop-gapper for fans to stem the wait for album number eleven

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Best of 2019

Everything from death metal and funeral doom to alternative rock and djent.

Extreme of the Extreme

The Artisan Era are known for two things specifically as a label –  its quality of bands and technical death metal. That's not to...


Cloak revel in the dark. Metal explores the nightside of human existence from many angles. Some mournful, some angry, some unstable. All of it...


The Red Chord released swan song Fed Through the Teeth Machine a decade ago, though its status as such was as much a surprise...


This isn't empty 80s nostalgia. Savage Master is the real deal for listeners looking for high-quality classic heavy metal (with a touch of thrash).

Extreme of the Extreme

Out of France comes Nox Irae, a death metal band preparing their debut release. Their debut EP, Here The Dead Live, is being released...

Dank Slams

Slam. The skank. The dank. The skanky danky dank. Call it whatever you want. All we do is report it. Anyway, this shit has...


Exhumed cement their reputation as kings of the Horror business with their new full length. And they've returned to the bloody basics, with a grindcore...