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Upcoming Releases

Yes, I know this could easily do without the cheesy introduction, but I'm feelin' good and I like to hear myself speak. So please,...

Tour Dates

Some people apparently just can't deal with Satan, as the owners of The Brewmaster's Gate in Columbus, Ohio banned Behemoth, Watain, The Devil's Blood,...

Mustaine Mania

Oh, goodie. Another fantastic Dave Mustaine interview to dissect. You guys know how much we love talking about Dave Mustaine and what insane things...

RIP a Livecast

Rob is back for this edition, Sean is out and Monica returns as a special guest. We start the show discussing Rob's standup a...


Relapse is the twelvth, and what main man Al Jourgensen promises to be the absolute final record with the Ministry name tag on it....

Latest News

Mike Smith's decision to leave Suffocation was pretty much inevitable, he says, and he can no longer make a living playing in Suffocation full time....


It didn't take long for Inquisition's last effort, 2011's Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm, to jump into heavy rotation around my house once...

Black Metal History

Where would black metal imagery be without the excellent album Melissa? Quite simply not the same place that it currently stands, that much is...

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Last week, Dave Mustaine said he would vote for Rick Santorum and in turn got a ton of publicity for it, only to retract...

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Lamb Of God's Resolution charted at number 3 on the Billboard charts this week, with a whopping 52,000 copies sold in the United States...

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So many people have bought tickets to Refused's upcoming US dates just to turn around and sell them for insane rates. A quick look...

Tour Dates

When Nergal said Behemoth would be playing "the most satanic tour that's going to invade the U.S in a long time", I became instantly...

Tour Dates

It's that time of year again! The time where we announce the lineup for the biggest festival of the summer, Rockstar Energy Mayhem Fest....

Around the Interwebs

Here's something really cool. A new Twingine of some sort to aid in a metalhead's ravenous hunt for common or rare records was started...

It's Just Business

This is an interesting business model. Reunited hardcore veterans, Biohazard have announced they will be giving away their next album, Reborn In Defiance for...


After a millions years of waiting,Van Halen have released their first single with David Lee Roth on vocals since he left the band at...

Upcoming Releases

Well, here is the big 11/11/11 announcement, announced at 11:11am pacific time: the original Black Sabbath is back! The band announced (via the above...


Think of the new Megadeth album like this: take Endgame and add a large dose of Youthanasia and Countdown to Extinction, then mix it...

Fuck Yes!

We've been following Behemoth frontman Nergal's recovery from leukemia and his return to the stage for a while now. One thing we've been patiently...

Around the Interwebs

We've talked about metal and religion "joining forces" before when spotlighting a metal church in Colombia, but there are some fans of God here...


Shortly after vocalist Brian Fair and drummer Jason Bittner confirmed on their Twitter accounts (here and here, respectively) that Shadows Fall has entered the...

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While I am perfectly content with never hearing a new piece of music from System Of A Down again (they have already brought me...

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Coal Chamber was a band that everybody knew about back in the day, seemingly because they toured incessantly. They were a textbook nu-metal band....