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Search results for "Scar"


Chiodos isn't the only band these days bridging Queen and Hot Topic. Between the Buried and Me, The Fall of Troy, and Circa Survive...


King Diamond - Black Of Night Grey Skies Fallen - The Essense of Mankind Estuary - Trans-Dimensional Scourge Katatonia - My Twin Scar Symmetry...

Tour Dates

THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN have announced that they will be postponing their Fall tour because guitarist Ben Weinman broke his foot while the band...


Has anyone noticed the large amount of so-called “experimental” or “art” style bands in the world of metalcore that draw heavily from their peers?...


The band name just conjures up images of emo/screamo bands making music being depressed about a breakup. I mean, you have to admit that...


In a strange turn of events, the only one man black metal band I ever sent an e-mail to (who shall currently remain not...


> PRIMORDIAL have set “To The Nameless Dead” as the title for their upcoming album, due out November 24th in Europe via Metal Blade....


> DOWN THE DRAIN have set September 18th as the release date for “Dying Inside“, through Arctic Music Group. You can hear some audio...

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Mayan/Sanctuary Records have set July 30th as the release date for “Grind Your Mind – A History of Grindcore” on July 30. The release...

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NEAERA have set the release date for “Armamentarium” as August 24th in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy, and August 27th for the rest of...


> HIGH ON FIRE has provided MetalKult.com with video footage of th band making “Death Is This Communion”. The 3 part series has been...


Black metal band HIEMS is down to one member now, founding member Algol. Algol will play all instruments for the bands second album, currently...


You can see some pictures from the “Not Alone” video shoot at the ALL THAT REMAINS MySpace page. GENERAL SURGERYhave parted ways with vocalist...


STORMLORD ’s debut DVD, titled ”The Battle of Quebec City: Live in Canada”, is scheduled to be released through Scarlet Records July 16th in...


Blood Red Throne have posted the song “Taste Of God” at their MySpace page. The song comes from their forthcoming album titled “Come Death”...


For whatever reasons, Chris Barnes and Six Feet Under cause strong reactions in the metal community.  Some have personal beef with Barnes; others deride...

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J. Bennett of Decibel magazine recently conducted an interview with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine, and its one of the better ones. A couple of...

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Grinders SUCCESS WILL WRITE APOCALYPSE ACROSS THE SKY's first EP, "Subhuman Empire," is scheduled to hit stores Summer 2007 via Debello Recordings. "Subhuman Empire"...


It's interesting how hardcore punk is reaching outside itself for inspiration these days. More specifically, it's reaching back in time. There's the whole punk...

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Los Angeles' THE FUNERAL PYRE will depart on a two week West Coast tour with Creator Destructor labelmates CERBERUS. Now supporting the re-release of...


"Still not loud enough, still not fast enough!" So began Sounds of the Animal Kingdom, Brutal Truth's third and final studio full-length before disbanding...


By now, rock 'n' roll is hardly a new influence on its twice-removed, thrice-disowned cousins, metal and hardcore punk. Entombed started "death 'n' roll"...

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BURY YOUR DEAD vocalist Mat Buso has left the band to pursue a degree for teaching and to be with his wife. Not very...