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Search results for "taste"


"No matter what era of Ministry you might be a fan of, there's really something for everyone here."

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"I told you it was bad. Put a sticker on it – it's gonna need it."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases From Amaranthe, Borknagar, The Body & Dis Fig, Mich Mars, and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum

Music Videos

The first single from their upcoming album.

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"People can't make world-class records because there's 10,000 records a day coming out."

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"You've gotta live with that for quite a few spins until you're tuned into what things are doing."

New Music

Another molotov cocktail of punk, hip-hop, and raging guitars

Metal Merch

In collaboration with Esjay Jones.

New Music

A blend of prog rock, electronics and an affinity for ‘70s and ‘80s era horror films.

New Music

FFO: Disembowlment, Immolation, Gojira, Morbid Angel, etc.


"This is most certainly a record that younger fans who have come to love bands like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest should also check...


Musical talent is always enhanced by actorly skill.

Best Of 2023

Including The Anchoret, Judiciary, Høstsol, Plague Bearer, and more!

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“We are planning a very special show of deep cuts from the catalogue."