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Metal In The Mainstream

The guitarist said he was not contacted about the use of his solo.

Latest News

Convulse is back with their first studio record in a quarter-century. Feel old yet? In case you need a refresher in heavy metal history,...

Music Videos

"It's more fitting really, as this track is about the unsustainable lifestyle of someone getting wrecked every night."

New Music

Whoa, just as you're getting ready for Halloween, a new all-star group is here to rip shit up. Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Suicidal Tendencies, Misfits)...

Mashups & Covers

The Rocky Horror Picture Show classic gets a modern twist.

Upcoming Releases

David Hasselhoff recorded a new song with the two man metal group Cuestack in 2019 and they're trying to wrap things up.

Shocking Revelations

"I had no idea, walking in the first day of the studio, what was gonna happen — who the personnel of the band would...

Bummer Alert

Please do not kill the messenger, but a lot of these postponed tours currently scheduled for early and mid-2021 are going to be canceled....


We have a pretty good idea, but nothing is confirmed yet.

Upcoming Releases

"I'm doing another record right now. I just started to work with Andrew again."

At The Movies

I just watched the trailer for Sound of Metal, and I'm ready to see this movie right now. The film stars Riz Ahmed (Rogue...

At The Movies

"I've been hacking away at the score for this and its getting pretty weird."

In The Studio

According to bassist and vocalist Troy Sanders, Mastodon is ready to hit the studio for their new album. In an interview with the Let...

New Music

They're still pissed about the current state of affairs.

Latest News

Stage 3 esophageal cancer to be specific.

Upcoming Releases

Deftones have been saying maybe, possibly, a new album might be coming in September, and we're pretty sure they figured things out, based on what's...

New Music

There's a new band out on the streets, and they have some big guns in the band. The Wheelblocks is now a thing and...


Elijah Wood is a man of eclectic musical tastes, but is he actually a grindcore fan? He's previously name dropped bands like Black Sabbath and Rage Against...

Breakups & Shakeups

One of my favorite members of Darkest Hour is no longer in Darkest Hour. The band announced that Michael “Lonestar” Carrigan has parted ways...

Music Videos

FFO: Demilich, Convulse, Imperialist, Adramelech, Hateful.