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Search results for "game"

At The Movies

Oh God clowns played by a dude who was in Breaking Bad.


One of modern prog's best are back with their fifth album, and it is one of their best to date.

Upcoming Releases

Four years worth of waiting has paid off!


After ten years, one of progressive metal's weirder bands has returned and is just as weird, if not more.

Injection Reflection

This was a short week thanks to Memorial Day, but it doesn't mean we're not glad to see it's over. Here's this week's top...

Sick Art

Can you feel it? The promo cycle for the new Ghost album is in full swing. Yesterday, a two minute late-night commercial spot surfaced...

Tour Dates

There's a date where this and Summer Slaughter collide. Wow.

Open Metacast

Ah the joys of computers. Can't really do a show without one but damned if this computer wasn't being a bit of a pain...

Free Publicity

That's an ambiguous headline, isn't it?


There's a lot of repetition and general glitchiness up in here right now.

Music Videos

It's a good song! Also, don't watch this at work.


Antigama offer the listener no quarter, mercy or time to adjust as the band gets straight to the gritty. What's more is that the...

Latest News

Maybe 2016? According to Root, the new material is being written right now.


Wait, you're telling me Dave Mustaine is a dickhead? I don't believe it!


The dude has the whole "retro horror movie dystopia" thing down to a science.


This album was actually self-released by Wende’s sole member, Zamiel, back in 2011. But this debut album, along with its follow up (The Third...

Latest News

You can't play it as a video game though... as far as we know. Quick! Someone try it!


I guess it makes sense.


A list of the best metal songs to listen to while smoking on 4/20


Drop everything and watch this!


A list of the most exciting women in metal to watch this year.