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[tps_header]Shopping for metalheads may not be easy, so we here at Metal Injection thought we'd throw in our two cents on suggestions for what...

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At this point, if Black Sabbath as much as sneezes in the studio, we'll get excited and write about it. After getting an exclusive update a few...

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A few days ago, we reported that Roadrunner Records president Jonas Nachsin stepped down, officially ushering in the new era of Roadrunner, as a...


We were a bit concerned for Robb Flynn when it was announced a few days ago that the band was dropping off their current...

It's Just Business

Things are going from bad to worse over at Roadrunner Records. Things have been rocky ever since Warner Records bought the label in 2010....


Growing up, MTV was the place to keep current about all the latest bands in any genre of music, not just pop. There were...

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With Barack Obama's re-election, many white people are running scared. One person, or should I say "thing" who isn't scared is GWAR frontman Oderus...

Show Recap

The wet pavements of a London October were filled with steel toed boots pattering towards a tiny venue that was about to filled by...


Let's kick this story off by stating the obvious: none of the characters mentioned are remotely metal. Still, this one is too funny to...


iwrestledabearonce are really dipping their toes in some serious video production. They are set to release a full-length movie called A Beary Scary Movie...

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With Halloween around the corner, and Down in the dressing up mood in their most recent video for "Witchtripper", the band has launched a...

Open Metacast

Welcome to the second of our Open Metalcast Halloween episodes, where we bring you Halloween music scare you. Heck who are we fooling; it's...

Upcoming Releases

Metallica sure know how to keep busy. While they aren't planning on releasing a new album until 2014, the band has plenty of new...


If there is one thing Oderus Urngus loves doing, it's talking shit! He's done so before, most famously with Dave Mustaine, and in our...


Almost a year after announcing their reunion, Black Sabbath are hard at work in the studio working on their first new album with Ozzy...

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It's officially Oscar-qualifying season in the world of metal. You heard me right. Of course, I don't mean movies, but doesn't the same principle...

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A growing trend in the music industry is for musicians to create comic books as a way to supplement their music and/or their income. Claudio Sanchez...

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This is rather scary! Earlier today, shortly after leaving their gig at Southampton, England in the early hours, the bus carrying all the members...

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UPDATE: The video has been released and can be seen here. Can Down just wear these outfits all the time? MetalSucks got their hands...

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In five days it'll be October, which in my mind signifies the beginning of Fall. And do you know what that means? Pumpkin beer,...

Upcoming Releases

Iwrestledabearonce have been working on a horror movie for quite a while now. Guitarist Steven Bradley was telling us about it as far back...

Around the Interwebs

When deciding on a name for his stage alter-ego, Brian Warner went with Marilyn Manson, which conveyed the two extremes of pop-culture in the...

Shocking Revelations

Earlier this week, we reported on the shocking development at Century Media is in the process of suing illegal downloaders of Iced Earth's Dystopia...