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GWAR'S Oderus Urungus Talks Shit On ROB ZOMBIE, SLIPKNOT

If there is one thing Oderus Urngus loves doing, it's talking shit! He's done so before, most famously with Dave Mustaine, and in our most recent interview with the band. Now, he's set his sights on the likes of Rob Zombie and Slipknot. He thinks both bands are copying GWAR's style, stating in a recent interview:

“A lot of bands have tried to do what GWAR does. But no band has ever taken it as far as GWAR has. No one has ever out-sicked us. You think these Walmart behemoths of the music industry like Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie are really scary people? That they have any kind of revolutionary agenda? All they care about is making money, and hanging out with their director buddies as they throw gala award ceremonies to circle jerk each other into a frenzy. GWAR is where GWAR should be: In the drawer marked filth.

There would not be Slipknot without GWAR. I have a direct quote from Rob Zombie about GWAR when he was figuring out what he wanted to do with his career. They asked him, “Hey what do you think of them?” and he said, “The first time I saw GWAR, I thought ‘I want to be that, but I want to make money.’” That to me says a lot about Rob Zombie as an artist. It says that he isn’t one … Rob Zombie is a tired, G-Rated, mishmash of other people’s styles. When I see Slipknot I see lots of pentagrams and cow skulls. Really familiar imagery. What I do like about Slipknot is their music. Their drummer is fucking amazing. But when I get to Marilyn Manson, he’s a little harder to peg. A little Alice Cooper, a little Bowie, a little Johnny Rotten.”

What's interesting is that on our recent Louder Education episode, he stated he actually regretted what he said about Dave Mustaine. Could these words come back to haunt Oderus? Probably not!

It's safe to say, he talks endless shit on these bands from the stage of their current Fate or Chaos tour. Speaking of which, the band has been playing a new song on the tour, which you can sample here:


[via Broward New Times]

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