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Last I looked the economy was still in the shitter, so the theme of this year's preface is doing SXSW on the (relative) cheap....

Latest News

Kickass Danish rock-and-rollers Volbeat begin to shed some light on their new record, Outlaw Gentlemen and Shady Ladies, and it's sounding pretty awesome!

Open Metacast

While putting together this week's episode for Metal Injection Radio I noticed a lot of material that I had on my disk for a...

Latest News

Comebacks can be scary, especially from legendary bands such as Carcass. What if it sucks? What if it's so bad that nobody goes to...

Upcoming Releases

After a mess of big name releases last Tuesday we're heading back to the underground this week. While the usual heavy hitters (Relapse, Southern...

Tour Dates

Phil Anselmo keeps piling on the projects. He has a solo album in the works, his own record label, and now his own horror...

Tour Dates

Wasn't Rocklahoma a hair metal festival at one point? I guess the times change. Today, the promoters of the Memorial Day Oklahoma hoedown announced...

Music Videos

Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare -All)


This is not a fun story to write about. Gaza frontman Jon Parkin has been accused of  raping a woman. 

Best of 2012

Of all of our Best of 2012 coverage, I look forward to the list created by you, the Metal Injection junkies the most. It...

Best of 2012

UPDATE: Voting expires tonight at midnight! It's the end of the year already?! Looks like it, and Metal Injection is kicking off our annual...


Well, it's that time of year again, and as a student I can say that the month of December is nothing short of hell...

Best of 2012

Here are my favorite albums of the year:

Best of 2012

2012 has been a strange old year for metal in the UK. It saw the dissolution of our much treasured Roadrunner Records UK as...

It's Just Business

I personally really enjoy when a band takes the time to rant about the music industry. We all have our complaints but these are...

Best of 2012

2012 will not see end of the world, or extreme music for that matter. However, if this was the end of Metal and Hardcore...

Latest News

We knew it was coming! A few weeks ago, we reported that a Czech prosecutor recieved a report from the Czech police with their filing...


Behemoth are due for a new album soon. The band has completed their comeback run of touring after Nergal's leukemia scare, the band is...

It's Just Business

Some of you reading this may be in college right now with hopes of getting into the music business, which may seem like such...

Upcoming Releases

With a 3D movie on the way that reportedly cost $20 million to produce, you'd think the band would shy away from live releases....


[tps_header]Shopping for metalheads may not be easy, so we here at Metal Injection thought we'd throw in our two cents on suggestions for what...

Upcoming Releases

At this point, if Black Sabbath as much as sneezes in the studio, we'll get excited and write about it. After getting an exclusive update a few...

Latest News

A few days ago, we reported that Roadrunner Records president Jonas Nachsin stepped down, officially ushering in the new era of Roadrunner, as a...