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Search results for "the ghost inside"

Upcoming Releases

Hopefully we'll hear some new material soon.

Tour Dates

Oh man, I want to go to Riot Fest! The three-day Chicago festival has announced its lineup and it features a great mix of...

Record Sales

April was another great month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Tour Dates

Deftones, Megadeth, Steel Panther, and a ton more also on the bill.

Record Sales

March was another snazzy month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Record Sales

January was a pretty decent month for hard rock and metal. Despite some larger losses, overall, listenership grew by 5.4%, the largest jump I've...

Record Sales

December was a slight improvement in Spotify listenership, with an average increase of 1.81% across this list. Some bands saw quite the bump, while...

Best of 2020

Over 30,000 votes have been tallied, and you, the Metal Injection junkies have made your voices heard. These are the albums you deemed to...

Record Sales

November was not a great month for rock and metal, at least not on Spotify, with 2/3 of the bands on this list losing...

New Music

Episode #2 of Drumception 2020 is here, pairing up drums by producer/mixer/engineer and Fit For an Autopsy songwriter Will Putney with Intervals mastermind/guitarist Aaron...

Record Sales

October wasn't the greatest month for rock and heavy metal. Despite some bands seeing large gains in their following, overall listenership only grew by...

Record Sales

September wasn't a bad month for rock and metal. overall the listens grew by 1.71%, slightly down up from 2.49% last month. The biggest...

Record Sales

August wasn't a bad month for rock and metal overall. While many bands saw a decrease in listeners, overall the listens grew by 2.49%,...

Record Sales

July wasn't the greatest month for this list. Big surprise for 2020, I know. While many bands saw a decrease in listeners, overall the...

Record Sales

Welcome back to the Spotify Mega List, where we track nearly 400 bands and their followers on Spotify. June, like May, saw an overall...

Record Sales

May was a rough month, but the rock and metal bands on Spotify overall saw gains in their listeners. This month I decided to...

Record Sales

April saw a little bit of improvement for the bands on this list, but it was still a rough month all around. Of the...

Record Sales

March may go down in history as the worst month ever, and this Spotify list was not immune to the hellacious storm that was...

Record Sales

Sometimes I wonder if this list is getting too long, but then I remember you can never have too much metal! Welcome to this...

Record Sales

Welcome to this month's edition of the Spotify Mega List, where we rank metal and hard rock bands by their Spotify listeners. This month...

Record Sales

Another month and more bands added to the list! Last year, we began tracking how many monthly listeners hard rock and heavy metal artists...