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Search results for "rammstein"

Matching Tags: Rammstein , rammstein

br00tal Comedy

So, you want to get into Rammstein but don't have all the time in the world to do so? Youtuber Paschalis Theotokis cuts out...

Injection Reflection

The weather in NYC tomorrow is going to be warm enough where I can go to the beach and swim in the water. It's...

Metal Crimes

Till was standing up for his lady.


Destroy All Humans! was originally released in 2005, and is currently being remade for a re-release in 2020 on all major console gaming platforms....

Music Videos

It's a big day for Rammstein. They just released their new music video for "Ausländer" (German for foreigner) and kicked off their touring for...

Question of the Day

Their first new album in 10 years!

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases includes your favorite groovy Germans, oodles of evil, and more!  To the metals...

Music Videos

This song will get stuck in your head.


Thank you for being so kind, Rammstein.

Music Videos

Before Rammstein was even able to release the full music video for their new single, "Deutschland," they were already facing some serious critiques. Reuters...


Could we finally be hearing new Rammstein this week?

Upcoming Releases

Directed by Jonas Åkerlund

Upcoming Releases

It's almost ready!

Show Recap

There is always so much pressure to have a great New Years Eve. To many, it's a marker for how the rest of the...

Upcoming Releases

They're "finishing up the last mixes, and it’s going to come out probably in April of 2019."

Latest News

"At the moment, we're going through the last polish."

Tour Dates

This is going to be insane.