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Extol are back on the metal scene in a big way- they released their first album in eight years last year that went over...


Every Time I Die's Keith Buckley is a pretty diverse guy apparently, going from yelling his balls off in the former to sounding like...

Tour Dates

It's extra awesome because we're sponsoring it.

Gear Gods

Who knew the song sounded so beautiful?


I love a great cover song and up until 15 minutes ago, I had no idea who Charles Bradley was, but now I think...

Fuck Yes!

Bill Ward may have sat out the Black Sabbath reuinion, but it doesn't mean he's not keeping busy with metal. This past summer, he...


Hate Eternal bassist J.J. Hrubovcak's Death Metal Christmas – Hellish Renditions Of Christmas Classics EP is surely going to bring family and friends together, as we've...

Tour Dates

Maryland Deathfest, the biggest metal party of the year in the US, has announced more bands for the fourteenth iteration of the Memorial Day...

Latest News

It's a well-known face that legendary vocalist Freddie Mercury of Queen fame sadly passed away due to complications from the AIDS virus in 1991....

Upcoming Releases

Slayer is in non-stop press mode to promote their currently headlining tour. A lot of questions have come up about the band's next album,...


Masters of a strange brand of metal Ephel Duath are dropping their Hemmed by Light, Shaped by Darkness record on November 26 via Agonia...


When the idea of a metal scene is brought up, we hardly think of countries that don't receive big tours or aren't brought up...


Metal Injection photographer Rodrigo Terco was on hand at Watain's killer NYC show last week to snap some killer looking photos of the black...


If you missed the cover art reveal for Protest The Hero's new album, Volition, here it is in all it's glory! Also, the band...

Upcoming Releases

That's right; Thriller is going to be a metal tribute album to Michael Jackson and will feature members (and former members) of bands like...

Sick Art

Iced Earth originally started talking about a new album back in August, and turns out they were further along than we originally assumed, because...


I'm on maybe my fifth listen of the new Insomnium track "Ephemeral" and I can't get enough.


While we won't hear new TOOL music until next year, drummer Danny Carey is not sitting idly. We told you a few weeks ago...


Evan Brewer has said previously that he is expanding the sound of his solo project from just bass to include drums, by his friend...

br00tal Comedy

This is Verbal Ase, a subway beatboxer who decided to interpret Ozzy's "Crazy Train" and it rules. He needs to collaborate with Michael Winslow,...


The dudes in Ghost have a penchant for covering poppier bands and it rules. Their cover of Depeche Mode is no different than the...

Fuck Yes!

Behemoth isn't just working on a new album, the Polish metal masters are collaborating with Game Over Cycles on a custom built motorcycle that...