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Search results for "Stupid"

Matching Tags: sick of stupidity


Have you ever wondered why your favorite metal songs are so genius?! This may be because they are the mad creations of a professor,...


He is the mad wizard of heavy metal, the overlord of the stoner riff, the master of psychedelic sludge. Matt Pike simply is the...


In 2019, Seattle celebrated the first-ever Layne Staley Day. Layne Staley was born on August 22, 1967. Layne may have been 34 when he...

Shocking Revelations

Signs of the Swarm have distanced themselves from guitarist Cory Smarsh after his former partner accused him of assault and another woman came forward...

This Is Just A Tribute

Earlier today, the family of former Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison released a statement announcing that the iconic drummer has passed away. He was only 46 years old...

Latest News

The family ask for privacy.


"People say 'You can't erase history by taking those statues down.' They are right, but that's not the point of those statues coming down."


While Sammy Hagar managed to make peace with Eddie Van Halen before Eddie's unfortunate passing last year, it doesn't seem like there will be...

Full Album Stream

For Seputus, and its main creative force, Stephen Schwegler, the heavy metal he's listened to for decades are simply components—relays and switches that provide a...

Around the Interwebs

What I love about the internet is that it allows people to sit there (likely stoned) and think up a silly idea, execute the...

Shocking Revelations

Fear Factory guitarist Dino Cazares recently guested on the Talk Toomey Podcast, where he revealed that Limp Bizkit asked him to join their ranks...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Vexed, Vulture, Amorphis, An Autumn for Crippled Children, Mothman and The Thunderbirds, Dr. Colossus, Yautja, and The Devil Wears Prada.

Attention, Stoners:

I remember when Ned Flanders-themed metal band Okilly Dokilly started getting big, some folks were like pfft., check out Dr. Colossus! Well, now they...


You could say that there would be no Silver Lake project without the need for silver linings. Undisputed guitar-hero Esa Holopainen was among countless...


On a recent episode of their podcast, Týrcast, Tyr members Heri Joensen (vocals), Tadeusz Rieckmann (drums), and Gunnar H. Thomsen (bass) talked about the...


Man, The Lion's Daughter are a trip. The St. Louis trio of Rick Giordano, Erik Ramsier and Scott Fogelbach continue to churn out the type of...

Back in the Day

Dale Crover, a man who almost went to prison. Kind of.