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We round up your favorite metal artists' Throwback Thursday photos.

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It also inspired a killer song. Hah, "killer."


May 2008 was the first year I attended New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, and though I’ve been to several since then with impressive...


One thing we know for sure, Joey didn't kill JFK!

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"It will address the mythos of what happened to Oderus Urungus and give the fans, the GWAR fans that we love so much, a...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at...


The fairly young San Francisco band has been on the edge of breaking for the past several years and their sophomore effort may finally...

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One involves pornography and one involves getting really drunk and scaring people.

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Bring me your finest musical. Make it perfect!

Weekly Injection

This week's edition features one of the oldest groups of metal fucks out there, black metal gone ambient, Goatwhore going Goatwhore and much more. To the...

Bummer Alert

This is a scary situation. Upon A Burning Body have just taken to their Facebook page to announce that their frontman Danny Leal has been...

Shocking Revelations

Someone gets hit with a Jesus painting. I am so serious.

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It's crazy to think that two years ago, Randy Blythe was being arrested and sent to a Czech prison on allegations of manslaughter, of...

Kids In Metal

It's got the word "child" in it, so yeah. They nailed it.


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!


The worst thing that I can imagine a male doing to themselves is burning their dick, accident or otherwise. In a recent Instagram update,...


Crawling out of a graveyard in typically un-satanic North Carolina, Bloody Hammers are full-on horror rock with the eerie glam of Marilyn Manson and...

Weekly Injection

If it weren't for two albums dropping this week, I'd call this a slow week. However, I love me some Japanese doom and experimental...


Who is the most metal footbol player?