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RISE AND FALL have titled their upcoming 7″ “Clawing“. It will feature a cover song, and a reworking of an old song, “Bottom Feeder”....

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DODSFERD have completed a new album, titled “Cursing Your Will To Live”. A split album and 7″ are currently in the works. No release...

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Meet Freddie Wong. This dude won $2,625 dollars for rocking YYZ on expert in Guitar Hero. Seriously! It was all part of the Louisville,...

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There are rumors floating around the intrawebs that Polish extreme metallers, DECAPITATED will be hitting the road with AMON AMARTH this fall. METAL Injection...


Houston is known for scorching heat, 110% humidity, it's status as the United States' fattest city and a crime rate that rivals New York...


METALLICA has been on tour in Europe, as they escaped their studio to take a break from recording. They have been playing a new...

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EVERY TIME I DIE has just posted a new track, "Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Battery" on their MySpace Page. The song is...


DAWN OF DEMISE has signed a record deal with Deepsend Records. The label will release their debut album, titled “Hate Takes Its Form” in...

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AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED and APARTMENT 213 have teamed up for limited edition split release. The release, "Domestic Powerviolence", is set for a July 10th release...


Perhaps Minus the Herd refers to the hordes of bands mining chaotic metalcore now.  Bands everywhere are mixing death metal, grindcore, math metal, and...

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Philadelphia, PA rock powerhouse A LIFE ONCE LOST has completed work on its new album, entitled "Iron Gag". Set for a September 18, 2007...

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We recently told you about an awesome ESP Custom Sword Guitar, but this one just takes the cake! AN AK-47 BASS GUITAR!? Come on,...

Video Games

Here is the last batch of Guitar Hero Encore Rocks the 80s setlist, which includes 30 songs, and, as expected, Activision has more often...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man is me, Greg Weeks, and I'm the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask me about my...

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MTV.com reports: This week, a Polish anti-sect organization dubbed “The All-Polish Committee for Defense Against Sects” released a list of artists it claims “promote...

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That's right. Here's a one of a kind collector's item for the more dedicated A.C. fan. This is taken straight from the auction's description:...

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Godzilla giving you problems again? Check this beast out. It's an ESP custom shop made for The Alfee's guitarist Takamizawa. The Alfee is considered...


Buy a neck brace. That seems to be the message that August Burns Red is trying to get across with their sophomore release Messengers....


I know this review is about a year over due, but I felt that it was about time someone gave this band a little...

Video Games

The World Series of Video Games, the first international video game competition circuit for multiple game platforms, will be host to several Guitar Hero...

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Season Of Mist has created a sub-label, Season Of Mist – Underground Activists. The new label will release only extreme metal. The album “Slaying...

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  Yes, folks that's right. "Metal" is not only that thing that mothers fear and television service announcements warn children about… it's an actual...

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  As many of you know, MARILYN MANSON and legendary thrash titans SLAYER plan on kicking off a co-headlining tour July 25th. Kerry King...