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Search results for "Within"


Pushing their fourteenth album since their formation in 1988, Halifax, England's Paradise Lost are one of the godfathers of doom. And after almost thirty...

Upcoming Releases

Members of Cannibal Corpse, Killswitch Engage and ex-The Black Dahlia Murder have been teasing us for years. Just give us the music already!

Bummer Alert

Thankfully, the band members are okay.


Our photographer, Rodrigo Terco has been out and about at a ton of shows in the NYC area and he's back with the photos...

Around the Interwebs

These guys know how to joke.

Music Videos

Within the Ruins premiere their new video "Gods Amongst Men" on Metal Injection. The track comes from their new album, Phenomena which you can...

Weekly Injection

Quantity and quality from the more underground side of metal this week friends. this week's edition includes the reunion album from a band that...


This Massachusetts based band will soon be releasing Phenomena on July 22nd. With three EPs, and three other full-length albums already under their belt,...

Music Videos

What the hell is going on here? Off the new album Hydra. Video directed by Tim Smit


Ever since the post on the albums that can celebrate their 10th anniversary in the year 2014, I’ve been thinking on a lot of...


After the Burial is a band that has largely remained unchanged throughout the years in terms of their core sound- low tuned guitars that...


After The Burial recently announced they'd be releasing their Wolves Within record come December 17 via Sumerian Records and dropped their first single. Now...

Latest News

The only time I even remember Within Temptation exists is when I have to write about them, which is right now. Apparently they've got...

Music Videos

Within The Ruins released a video for "New Holy War" from the album Elite.