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Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Alcest, Seven Spires, Black Veil Brides, and Cavalera Conspiracy.

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“It's got so much teeth, and I'm tackling subjects I've never tackled before in the lyrics, because I'm having the freedom to do so”

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"I'm always up for it. It's just, like, 'Yeah, bring it on.' 'Cause this is what it's all about, is playing guitar and writing,...

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The second edition of Milwaukee Metal Festival happened earlier this year and it was a total blast. Due to the massive success, it's a no-brainer...

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The one-off performance will feature Into Eternity singer Stu Block at the mic.

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"All of a sudden, I'm challenged with, 'I gotta play some Eddie parts.'"


"The Return of Tomorrow is a great indication of how much fuel Fu Manchu still have in their tank."

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“We are still in the mode of 'live band' due to all the touring we have done.”

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$5 per ticket goes to Mescalero Apache Nation - South Fork Fire relief fund



"The Cavaleras really knew what they were doing here and, as such, they give us an elevated product."


"The Stygian Rose is not only this band's strongest work, it's one of the top records of 2024 so far."


"Ulcerate treads the line between death metal’s experimental frontier, and its savage foundations."


"It’s Inside You is exactly what Candy is shooting for, refreshingly novel and distinct."
