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For our readers in the US, this is a dour day. Many of you are exhausted from travel, having spent the last several hours...

Music Videos

"It's more fitting really, as this track is about the unsustainable lifestyle of someone getting wrecked every night."

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. LOS NATAS – Corsario Negro Originally out on Small Stone in...


Inspiration can manifest in the most interesting ways. Artistry could stem from hours spent immersed in subject matter; it could form spontaneously—as if art...


Seth Rollins is this edition's special guest and he fits right in. We talk about his earliest memories of pro wrestling and heavy metal,...

Celebrity Metalheads

A-list actor Ben Affleck makes no secret of his love for his hometown of Boston, so is it a surprise to learn that Affleck...


Courtney LaPlante loves the razzle-dazzle. This much is apparent after her band dropped the video for “Holy Roller” in early July. ‘It’s an annoying...

Latest News

This weekend, multiple women have come forward accusing Homewrecker frontman Matt Barnum of courting them when they were minors. As a result, Good Fight...

Latest News

Father's Day for most is a day to celebrate with their father and have a fun time with the family. But for some it...


Read an in-depth interview with the Ontario doom duo ahead of their newest album's release this Friday!

Extreme of the Extreme

Have you ever wanted some hardcore surf music? If not too bad, if so here we are. Offering some new tunes from Gorlvsh. Gorlvsh's...

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...


Nita Strauss is one of the greatest guitarists on the planet today. Not female guitarist. Guitarist. Period. And now you have the chance to...

Music Videos

If you like the Melvins, you're going to like this.


You may not be well acquainted with Edinburgh, Scotland's King Witch, with their powerhouse vocalist Laura Donnelly and bandmates Jamie Gilchrist, Rory Lee and...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. RANDY HOLDEN – Fruit and Icebergs In 1969 guitarist Randy...

Live Footage

Blood Incantation performed both their new album "Hidden History of the Human Race" and debut album "Starspawn" in full at Saint Vitus Bar, video by Frank...


Is it black metal or is it "gutter sniping, lo-fi punk of a desperately unbalanced and astringent order"?