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dun-dun dun-dun-dun-dun dun-dun-dun

Thrash Attack

Ice Giant take to adventure in their self-titled debut release

Live Footage

Prophets of Rage was not just some one-time touring attraction around election season. The band are as full-fledged as ever as  the group which...

Around the Interwebs

Cypress Hill, I'm looking in your direction.

Music Videos

Not quite the showers April usually has in store.


It's been two years since a real release from these legends in the making, and we are proud to present Heavy Temple's latest: Chassit.


Now the cops won't make you listen to Nickelback after you're arrested... probably.

Shocking Revelations

After dropping off a tour, some fans tweeted their displeasure causing Carlile to explain the chilling situation.


It's a fun death metal ditty, which is a weird sentence.

Metal Merch

Their new shirt design makes their thoughts on the current Presidential election pretty clear.


All words and photos by Nathaniel C. Shannon I made my way to Philadelphia for the weekend to take part in a group music...

Full Album Stream

It reminds us why the USBM scene is still worth checking out and the ferocious, gut wrenching madness and wondrous sense of evil that...


Kerry King will vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.