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According to Brian May, people say it did.

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"We've talked about doing like a punk rock album where it's much quicker faster, straight to the punch kind of really fast music."


"All Out War's brand of blackened-core shows that there are many iterations of this style that can succeed as more than a novelty."


"Homicidal Ecstasy should stand as an example for aspiring caveman slammers – you can bring the ultra-brutal goofery while writing memorable songs."

Graves Of The 80s

A retrospective series on metal's formative decade.

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"Every album sounds a little bit different, but it always will sound like Destruction."

Underground Roundup

Featuring Hellripper, MisĂľyrming, Rotten Sound, Sonic Poison, Ulthar, and more!

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Plus guys from Fit For An Autopsy, Left To Suffer, and Infant Annihilator.

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Testament has also gotten faster with Dave Lombardo.

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The Finnish grindcore act has returned to us all.

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"People say, 'Were Venom the first black metal band?' Fuck yes!"


'Valesa - Chapter 1: Velvet Prison takes Major Parkinson to exciting and courageous new places without abandoning what makes them so singular and admirable.'

It's Just Business

And you wonder why your band isn't being heard.

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"Spectrum Xenomorph is built upon a Morbid Angel framework accelerated in a Hate Eternal sort of way."