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Search results for "fail"

Black Metal History

Dødheimsgard have never failed to deliver challenging listens that require the listener’s time to delve into and absorb, and things are no different on...


While the background and story of Norway’s Haust may be all over the grill of the internet and supportive print publications, they don’t come...

Weekly Injection

As You're reading this, I am still recovering from Pizza Day. "Is that a thing," you ask stupidly? Yes. It is according to my...


Labonte's best attempt at sarcasm fails.


Ozzy: 1; Bats: 1


Scotland's Falloch was last on the scene as a duo, since then vocalist/guitarist/tin whistle-ist Andy Marshall left the band opting instead for the much...


There is one constant in all of Slayer's albums… Tom Araya's consistent vocal delivery.


The pairing of Primitve Man and Fister coming together is something of a match made in Hell. Both bands are known for their crushing...

Latest News

So we won't have to wait until 2022 for a new record?

Metal Crimes

Happy 2015 Live Nation, here's a lawsuit.

Best of 2014

After pouring over piles of releases and looking back on some of the brilliant music that emerged this year, it became apparent that this...

Best of 2014

Picking these releases has been difficult. There's been a lot of good stuff that came out in 2014, perhaps even more so than last...

Best of 2014

There are perhaps dozens of albums that qualify, but even as the amount of releases continue to rise, the time available remains inconveniently constant....

Shocking Revelations

"If you're trying to be a role model, you're not. Being yourself and the best self you can be? Then maybe you'll be a...

br00tal Comedy

"Rudolph the Death Metal Reindeer" is something to sing with the whole family around the Christmas fire!


If you still can’t understand the flowchart from Beneath the Remains, Arise and Nailbomb’s Point Blank to Soulfly and Killer Be Killed, fine, but...

Music Videos

If there is a shittier video that came out this year, I haven't seen it yet!


A World Series fuck up of epic proportions.


What is fast, melodic, technical, progressive, and still heavy? Many things actually, but none of which can compare to Earthborn Evolution, the latest discharge...


He's says he's all about positivity but just perpetuates negativity.

Latest News

Randy Blythe is done with the first draft of his book and he's got interesting things to say about it.