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Tour Dates

Ov Sulfur and Slay Squad 111 will open.

New Music

"We wanted to write something new to us."

RIP a Livecast

As a special bonus, we have unlocked the first of two bonus episodes this month on the RIP a Livecast Patreon page, where we...

Music Videos

"A mix of Indus Rock with rap vocals on the verses."

Injection Reflection

We're already halfway through January, how is this possible? Here is what you missed this week: Anyway, Here's A Cat Singing OZZY OSBOURNE &...


"Enterprise Earth fans are going to really enjoy this album and Dan Watson continues to grow as a vocalist in terms of both his...

Upcoming Releases

After a mysterious tease about new Meshuggah music coming soon, we've finally got confirmation – Meshuggah will release their new album Immutable on April...

Music Videos

"It's about the clear-cut, horrific message that a rock is worth more than a life to their producers."

Mashups & Covers

"Never Gonna Return To Nothingness," they're calling it.