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Search results for "BEST"

Breakups & Shakeups

The power of the internet! It allows information to travel so fast, sometimes too fast. I was just browsing through Blabbermouth when I came...

Frank's Favorite Drumers

So this brings us to the conclusion of my 10 favorite drummers list, and it's been harder than you can ever imagine for me...

Latest News

It's safe to say EMMURE have a certain reputation in the metal community. Either you like them or you really really hate them. But,...


My favorite acoustic duo, RODRIGO Y GABRIELA is set to release a new CD entitled "11:11", on September 8 through ATO Records. This gets...

Frank's Favorite Drumers

Being a drummer myself, I'd have to admit I tend to hone in on his business more so than the rest of the band....

Revelations of Doom

It's that time again. Revelations of Doom, Grim Kim's ongoing homage to the raw, the mean, and the devilishly dirty corners of the extreme...

Ask Me...I'm Right

When Greg Weeks isn't blowing people's minds with his band, The Red Chord, the dude takes some time to answer some of life's important...


Damn you DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN. You keep teasing us with these quick teasers, which don't get me wrong, sound fucking awesome. But being American,...

Frank's Favorite Drumers

Being a drummer myself, I'd have to admit I tend to hone in on his business more so than the rest of the band....

Frank's Favorite Drumers

Being a drummer myself, I'd have to admit I tend to hone in on his business more so than the rest of the band....


On this Robless edition of the RIP a Livecast everything went smoothly and wasn't covered in pot resin or melted cheese. Coincidence? We discussed...

Rob's Funniest Interviews

Metal Injection has been going strong for 5 years now. I thought this would be as good a time as any to go back...


Kicking off with a gargled bellow (that sounds like the Polish equivalent of "You wanted the best, you got the best!"), BEHEMOTH return with...

Rob's Funniest Interviews

Metal Injection has been going strong for 5 years now. I thought this would be as good a time as any to go back...


We wrap up our two-week hiatus with an all new Mixtape. This one features new commentary from Rob and 3D talking about the clips...

Tour Dates

What unites two huge crossover metal bands, brings along two of the best underground metal bands in the world and is almost as exciting...

Tour Diary

Coalesce recently embarked on their first European trek ever, so we asked them to document the journey in the form of a few tour...


Shockhond.com has posted the above killer clip of SUICIDE SILENCE performing a four song set at Hot Topic headquarters (HT owns Shockhound). The video...

Latest News

From Blabbermouth: "As announced last week, thrash legends ANTHRAX regretfully cancelled the first three dates on the second leg of their European tour due...


I'm just going to preface this post by saying that catching pneumonia in the summer fucking sucks – especially when you come down with...

Latest News

The world's best-known bearded, shit-talking, pinch-harmonics innovator has taken a moment from the latest band breakup media shitstorm to twat about the situation between...

Revelations of Doom

Crossing an ocean and more than a few international borders in pursuit of the almighty riff has taken up a bit more time than...

Back in the Day

CANDIRA – Elevate in Madness My first experience with Candiria was while I was waiting for a bus home on the way from high...