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Another new Soulfly song has surfaced (above) from their new album, Enslaved and much like "World Scum," it's a pretty crushing track. Am I...


I've been listening to Cannibal Corpse's new album, Torture for a little bit now and it's every bit as crushing and awesome as I...


Well technically, this is the same song we posted a live video of a few days ago, but new music is new music. I...


[tv]https://metalinjection.net/tv/view/6687/tram-live–sxsw-2011[/tv] A full year ago, we posted the above footage of TRAM, as well as the first in-depth interview with the band. Now, they...

It's Just Business

As if overpriced Slayer condoms weren't enough, Slayer announced a new candy jar they're selling for $12.99 (wouldn't just an even $13 sound more...


I always enjoy metal bands attempting acoustic covers of their own songs. It can either be really cool or sort of terrible. Luckily for...

Around the Interwebs

And gimme your autograph!!! Oh, please, please, please, please, pretty pleeeeeeeeeeease?


Thanks to Axl from MetalSucks for the hot tip that Nachtmystium cannot go a year without releasing something. They decided to put a split...


I want to send a huge thanks to Youtube user evaldopalestra2 who was kind enough to upload video rips of pro-shot footage from the SWU Music...


I saw Dyshythmia a few months ago at Union Pool and was absolutely entranced at their mesmerizing music. Three musicians on stage just jamming...


Today's a big day for Skeletonwitch. They revealed the album art for their upcoming release, Forever Abomination, which is due October 12th on Prosthetic....


There are two reasons I am really excited for this two minute Blotted Science teaser. One: we get to hear new music. Two: the...


Earlier this year, Kurt Ballou announced he is beginning work on producing a new album from Old Man Gloom, a band that features his...


Two bands who sound very very different, but both of whom I really appreciate released some demos recently, and they are Arsis and the...


My favorite thing about open air festivals in Europe is they always seem to manage to bring in a really fancy video crew and...

Latest News

In 2004, METALLICA were set to headline the UK's Download Festival, except for one problem; Lars got sick and couldn't play. So the band...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Agriculture, Brume, Wheel, and Feuerschwanz.

This Is Just A Tribute

George was involved with resurrecting Thin Lizzy in 1985, which sadly never happened.


"So long as Deicide is putting out albums of this quality, it'll be worth checking out whatever that is."

Upcoming Releases

Stephen Harrison and Aric Improta are back together.

New Music

"Most of it is very moody, dark, and cinematic, but still somewhat in traditional song format."