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2 Minutes of BLOTTED SCIENCE? Yes, Please!

There are two reasons I am really excited for this two minute Blotted Science teaser. One: we get to hear new music. Two: the band must be confident enough in what they have so far, so they started teasing the fans. Here is the first sounds from the band which features Ron Jarzonbek on guitars, Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse on bass and and Hannes Grossmann crushing the drums. Still no word on when their EP, The Animation Of Entomology will come out, but we have to assume sooner than later…

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It's Blotted Science. Of course it's insane.

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The other three "Blotted Science" songs are near completion and will also be released as digital singles.

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Hannes Grossman is one hell of a drummer; you've heard the dude play in Obscura and Blotted Science enough to know. Grossman does need...