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Search results for "instruments"

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.”...

Latest News

Just let that sink in for a second- three big metal guys are on a song dedicated to Nelson Mandela (and Lucky Dube), which...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Latest News

Mike Patton, master of pretty much everything worth being the master of, wrote the entire score to the upcoming film "The Place Beyond the...


If you were to make a list of the most influential U.K. hardcore/punk and metal bands, you could not avoid putting Heresy on the...


When you think of blast beats you're mind probably goes to something like Napalm Death or Rotten Sound nowadays. Perhaps Pig Destroyer's Prowler in...

Upcoming Releases

Just when you thought there was no way Evan Brewer could one-up his debut solo album Alone, he goes ahead and gives you a...

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago, we broke the story that The Black Dahlia Murder is in the studio working on new material. Eventually, we learned...

Latest News

It's no secret that Baroness suffered a very serious bus accident last summer, which left several Baroness members and crew with broken bones. Friends...

Metal Injection Exclusives

On Oct 20, 2010, Nick Didkovsky and Chuck O'Meara bought a $100 electric guitar from Elderly Instruments. They were so charmed by it that...

Tour Dates

If you've never seen Fuck The Facts live, you have done yourself a great disservice! They completely annihilate their instruments like gods every time...


This year, I resolve to listen to more death metal. And what better way to start this new year with the new act, Oblivion....

Best of 2012

2012 has been a strange old year for metal in the UK. It saw the dissolution of our much treasured Roadrunner Records UK as...

It's Just Business

Some of you reading this may be in college right now with hopes of getting into the music business, which may seem like such...

Latest News

Hurricane Sandy hit the North Eastern United States pretty bad a couple weeks ago. While we here at Metal Injection were lucky to be...


[tps_header]Shopping for metalheads may not be easy, so we here at Metal Injection thought we'd throw in our two cents on suggestions for what...

Heavy Metal Underground

Heavy Metal Underground is a new feature where columnist Alex Phillips will look to the unsigned bands, and pick out ones he feels deserve...

Fuck Yes!

I am not sure about the rest of you, but I often times find myself wondering just how awesome it would be to attend...


Now, I’ll admit that polka-influenced folk metal isn’t for everyone. Complaints about the genre vary, ranging from derision of the unmetal instruments and arrangements,...


First off, yes, I am very proud of that headline. Secondly, a new video has surfaced courtesy of New Orleans brass ensemble, The Soul...


Al Cisneros of stoner titans Sleep and Emil Amos have created a sonic masterpiece with Advaitic Songs.  Om don’t really seem to fit into...


That there title represents that this CD compiles two out of print vinyl releases by Houston's Venomous Maximus, namely the The Mission EP and...