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Search results for "nova"

Video Games

Yes, it's time for a virtual reality rock band game.


Within the Ruins defy naysayers with a newfound penchant for clean vocals supplementing their usual deathcore approach

Tour Dates

A few weeks back, The Dillinger Escape Plan got a rude awakening as a truck crashed into their parked bus and trailer, destroying all...


Considering it's been over 45 years since it all began, I find myself involuntary rolling my eyes once I hear yet another band go...

New Music

Stoner and death metal blended together in an exciting new track from this Finnish four-piece.

Tour Dates

Mostly the Northeast and a lot of Canada!


FFO: Isis, Russian Circles, Intronaut...


When death metal began in the 80's, it was fresh and innovative. Fast forward to today and I feel as though tolerance has left...


The latest album from Sweden's long-running Pain of Salvation is worth a listen or two, even if the band has fallen a bit by...


Crank up some great metal to celebrate the 31st birthday of Trivium's Matt Heafy.

The Obituarist

Hello and welcome back to The Obituarist… it’s a new year, ladies and gentleman and this marks my 20th (!) edition. My resolution this...


I've always found it a tad strange that Nine Inch Nails aren't regularly included in discussions of significant metal bands. While I'd agree that...

Metal In The Mainstream

In July, Slayer announced they would be teaming with Dark Horse Comics for a three-part comic book series based on their most recent album, Repentless. We learned Jon...


Despite it only being January, 2017 is shaping up to look pretty great in terms of rock and metal releases. We're getting a new...

Tour Dates

It's about to get heavy and a little weird.

Scene Report

The following Scene Report was written by guest contributor Darko Živkovic of the Serbian Metal webzine. Scene Report is a new feature where we...

Best of 2016

To make a year end list is always a challenge. Instead of considering it the “Best of 2016”, I rather consider my compilation a...

Latest News

All of the money they earn will go towards The Trevor Project and Planned Parenthood!

Best of 2016

Prog, Thrash, Death, Blackened, Synthwave, Hardcore, Math, Pre, Post, Crust and more!

Dank Slams

Well, it had to happen. The prefix of 'Post' has found its way into our beloved Slam. It happened with rock (Sigur Rós, Godspeed...