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Search results for "morbid"

Metal Merch

Earache Records is a label that understands the changing environment in selling music. They understand that downloading is a reality and aren't about to...


It is very likely that you have seen Sharon Ehman on the internet already, her clothes and her style have caused quite a stir...

Latest News

Late last week, while promoting Cannibal Corpse's upcoming headlining tour, co-founding member Paul Mazurkiewicz gave an interview to Billboard and was asked about the...


This. video. is. AWESOME. Thanks to my buddy Nick for posting a link to this 90 minute documentary, which looks like it was shot...

Latest News

Tampa, Florida is home to many seminel death metal acts like Deicide, Morbid Angel, Death, and the relocated Cannibal Corpse. It is also the...


Head over to Amazon.com to download yourself a rather killer free MP3 sampler CD from Earache Records in honor of their 25th anniversary. The...

Upcoming Releases

There are no new releases this week! Just kidding. But really, there are only, like, four. And that's no kidding. Lucky for us, these...

Latest News

Devourment have just announced that they are in the studio recording a new album as a follow up to 2009's Unleash The Carnivore which...

Upcoming Releases

It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...

RIP a Livecast

This week's Livecast is all about two things: Cousin Brucie, and Rob's mysterious hickey. We also talked about Steve Harvey's feelings on atheism, Danzig's...

Hand Ov Doom

Hand ov Doom is drinkin' beers and eating crabs in the pungent low-tide depths ov Baltimore Harbor! We're here to celebrate America's Biggest Metal...

Relapse Records Podcast

Its the Relapse Records Maryland Death Fest podcast special!! Featuring tracks from all performing Relapse Artists, old and new, in addition to exclusive tracks...

RIP a Livecast

This show kicked off talking about April Fool's Day. We also spent some time discussing each other in high schools, Dave Mustaine quotes and...

Hand Ov Doom

Ben Danger and Robben the Grave are splitting sides and splitting heads in the studio, laughing with infernal madness! Tune in as they celebrate...

Latest News

In the trenches of vile, visceral music, first impressions are everything; I’m in this for the thrill. Nephelium go straight for the entrails on...

Black Metal History

Both black and death metal embody the most misanthropic, morbid, depressing, sickening, and rebellious traits of mankind—yet they are quite different from each other....

Around the Interwebs

Here's something really cool. A new Twingine of some sort to aid in a metalhead's ravenous hunt for common or rare records was started...

Injection Reflection

Another week has passed, which means we are one week closer from the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise. I absolutely can't wait to get...

Best of 2011

This is always my favorite portion of the year-end recaps… the portion where we ask you, the Metal Injection junkies, to pick your favorite...

Best of 2011

In 2011 my attention span left the building. I lost interest in anything slower than a barreling freight train, and my enjoyment of the...


Welcome to another edition of Mainstream Resistance podcast. During this extra lenghty episode, we bring in a special guest host, Bolthorn aka Deadspout, as...


"Filth flarrin' flarrin' filth!"  Eddie Murphy was channeling a repulsed Bill Cosby when he uttered those words on 1987's Raw, but he might as...


With Fuck the Facts, there is no point of reference. The band's fierce creativity renders metal genre taxonomy useless. Beyond grindworthy vocals, their past...