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Weird lineup with big promises. "It's a bold move, Cotton."

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Opeth knows metalheads can read!

METAL Injection

Orcultus is a band that would like to remain anonymous. So there’s your history. And yeah, that’s really it.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Phrases like "meditative heaviness" and "a calm decimation" come to mind.

Black Metal History

In a genre as insular and niche as black metal is, it stands to reason that the eschewing of live performance and interviews in favor...

Essential Black Metal Listening

I love Ulver’s place in the history of black metal. Only three albums and just a couple of years can really be dedicated to...

Black Metal History

Tracing the origins of black metal is less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like wondering through a graveyard at...

Essential Black Metal Listening

Oil and water. Orange juice and toothpaste. Black metal and Christianity.

Weekly Injection

Welcome to a slow-ish, but very weird week of THE WEEKLY INJECTION. In this edition we have side-projects, amazing sludge and a band that...


If you've been on the internet the last few days, you've heard about the "controversy" that Flea was caught with his bass completely unplugged...


We've been waiting patiently for five years since Behemoth dropped their 2009 blasphemy Evangelion. Obviously nobody could be angry about the wait given frontman,...


So many pony tails, so little time.


Live Carcass is good Carcass.

Heavy Metal Underground

In 2013, despite widespread unrest, political turmoil, civil wars, and ongoing Western meddling in sovereign affairs, the Middle East hosts a thriving metal scene....

Best of 2013

What do we consider a viral video? A video which isn't necessarily a music video, usually created by a fan, and either makes us...

Latest News

Periphery recently announced they'd be releasing their Clear project on Jan. 28 via Sumerian Records. Clear is a short album where each member of...

Best of 2013

My Top 5 List of Things You Should Take Away From My Top 20 List 5. I still believe numerical album lists are silly,...