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Search results for "Nights"


Periphery's second new track from their upcoming release, Periphery II: This Time It's Personal, premiered last night on SiriusXM Liquid Metal, that satellite radio...


We make no secret of the fact that we are great friends with and have a great respect for music video director David Brodsky....


Hump day is less humpy when we have new music to listen to. We got new tracks from In The Moment and Early Graves,...

Around the Interwebs

Devin Townsend is a God to many nowadays, but there was a time he was a mere mortal… with amazing locks of hair. I...

Upcoming Releases

Relapse Records has been on a mission to release as much Death material as humanly possible, and we absolutely love it! Anything that the legendary Chuck Schuldiner...


We love talking about Dave Mustaine, and his many loony rants, so much so that we now have a whole section on the blog...

Hand Ov Doom

In an age where Illuminati-controlled mass media has dumbed down society, where alien encounters have been covered up for years, where everyone actually is...

Show Recap

I'm fortunate enough to have seen some incredible moments in music history, like Meshuggah's first U.S. appearance playing a tiny venue the size of...

Tour Dates

Now this is a metal tour! Six Feet Under, with their fresh new lineup, have wrapped up a new album, and what do you...

Black Metal History

Well, February is over with and thus concludes another awesome round of Black Metal History Month. If you missed any of the awesomeness, here...

Upcoming Releases

When Nachtmystium's 2010 release, Addicts: Black Meddle, Part II came out, it did not come out of rotation in my music player for quite...

Black Metal History

BLACK METAL: to some it's the purest embodiment of uncompromising musical nonconformity, while to others it's the meme that keeps on giving (I predict...

Tour Dates

I guess they're not announcing their 3D movie after all. After all the hype has settled, Metallica will be headlining a two day festival...


Friends are people with whom you can share a laugh, talk about important topics, share some great ideas over excellent music. This is one...


When our photographer Aline Miladinovich had the opportunity to spend a few weeks bunking on Mayhem's tour bus, this past Fall, she could not...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...

Best of 2011

We asked Metal Injection Photographer Aline Miladinovich to reflect on her Top 5 Shows in 2011. You can check out some of her favorites,...

Latest News

For most people an anniversary acts as a trigger that reminds you another year has gone by in your life. To some people it...

Tour Dates

Damn you Brits! I am so jealous right now. Slayer announced their first official gig of 2012, and it's a big one. The band will...


It’s always been my motto that “I’ll go wherever the music takes me,” and since no place on earth is any further than a...

Injection Reflection

It's Hallo-weekend. I was going to go dressed as the easiest Waldo ever to spot, but I never had enough time to buy my...

Bummer Alert

Chimaira vocalist Mark Hunter was arrested yesterday in El Paso, Texas for possession of marijuana during a routine traffic stop. Due to this, he wasn't...

RIP a Livecast

Reminder: The Livecast has moved from Wednesday nights to Sunday nights from 7pm-9pm Eastern. Check back this Sunday for an all new episode. On our...