We make no secret of the fact that we are great friends with and have a great respect for music video director David Brodsky. When Metal Injection was a wee little baby, he was one of the first people who "believed" in us and saw the true value of what we were doing, at a time when we didn't even see it. David has been immensely helpful in many ways, and being on-set for more than a handful of videos we have the upmost respect for his process. The man has created over 200 music videos, so many that we gave him his own channel.
He's been working with Scion A/V a lot recently, so much so, they invited him to their Musicless Music Conference to give a super in-depth workshop on the entire process of making music videos. It's incredibly thorough and Brodksy makes sure to go through every step of the process in immense detail. It's incredibly informative, even to me, a guy who has spent many nights talking to the guy about how he gets his work done. If you ever wanted to get into the video production game in the music industry, this video is highly recommended.