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Search results for "Foundation"


The topic of ‘supergroup’ or ‘all-star’ band conjures some images of epic failures and some distinguished triumphs; De La Tierra being billed this way immediately...

Weekly Injection

Now, I've had some slow weeks in the past. But holy hell... Next week will be sweet though.


Nerdy as it may sound, I'm a huge fan of metal documentaries. So when I went searching for a cool documentary that I hadn't...


To celebrate the release of Metal! EZX, we landed an exclusive interview with Bergstrand, Lewis and Suecof to talk recording techniques, mixing strategy, their...


Evangelist, noun: one who spreads the gospels of Christ far and wide, with the intention of converting as many new acolytes as possible, by...

Tour Dates

Ok, this sounds insane. Phil Anselmo, Max Cavalera and Anthrax frontman Joey Belladonna are part of the lineup for the 2013 Metal All-Stars tour....

Latest News

Roadrunner have been a record label since 1980 and have naturally accured one hell of a back catalogue for fans to dive into. To...

Latest News

Now this is a touching story. The Make-A-Wish Foundation granted a wish for a young fan named Peyton, who's wish was to get on stage...


1990 called, it wants more doom! But don't worry, that's a good thing. From the streets of Dallas comes True Widow, a band known for...

Tim Lambesis Trial

As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis' life was forever changed on May 7th, 2013, when he was arrested for allegedly atempting to hire...

Latest News

Bruce Dickinson is the legendary frontman of Iron Maiden, an exceptional pilot, a doctor and now a bicyclist for charity. Is there anything Dickinson...


As I write this, I am eagerly awaiting Netflix to flip that switch that will give me hours of more Arrested Development. Now mind you, I...

Upcoming Releases

Viking metallers Ensiferum signed with Metal Blade Records before they killed them and pillaged their villages.


When I first discovered Incendiary on the first edition of MetalSucks' NYC Sucks sampler, their track "Victory in Defeat" instantly made them my new...


There’s been quite the buzz around Killswitch Engage as of late, what with Howard Jones’ departure and original vocalist Jesse Leach stepping in to...

Tour Dates

When the New England Metal and Hardcore Fest announced their initial lineup a few weeks ago, it was already unfuckwithable. Anthrax (playing Among The...

Best of 2012

2012 has been a strange old year for metal in the UK. It saw the dissolution of our much treasured Roadrunner Records UK as...

Best of 2012

2012 will not see end of the world, or extreme music for that matter. However, if this was the end of Metal and Hardcore...


In order for a “progressive” album to be a success, its sound must be able to explore and experiment, yet still be memorable enough...


As I Lay Dying never cease to amaze me with every release; they are one of the few bands that I’ve heard who can...

Injection Reflection

The weekend is here. We'll have a really awesome guest on the Livecast this Sunday, Josh Travis of DANZA and Glass Cloud. So we...


This past Monday, August 13, 2012, I was invited to attend a very exclusive acoustic set by Trivium frontman Matt Heafy, in association with...