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Bummer Alert

"But it doesn't look as though there’s anything in the future, unfortunately."


I've been meaning to write about this all week, and the story has just gotten wilder and wilder. Last Wednesday, while former Skid Row...


It doesn’t seem too long ago when deathcore was a frowned upon scene. And to an extent, that disapproval was justified considering the over-indulgence...

Upcoming Releases

". So there's less of the quote-unquote metalcorish genre and more of a genuine heavy metal, rock and roll experimental record."


Italian death metal band Bedsore comes through with a powerful debut of savage heaviness, transportive psychedelia and unnerving atmosphere.

Music Videos

Pallbearer initially premiered their new single "Forgotten Days" with one version of a music video. Now the band is back with a more sci-fi,...

New Music

Their new song "Baptists" is streaming now.


Although Mushroomhead has had many lineup changes over their career, this most recent rendition is easily the most crucial shift as founding vocalist Jeffrey...

Upcoming Releases

We're very excited for Corey Taylor's highly anticipated new solo album. While nothing official has been announced, last week's tease makes it seem like...

Latest News

"We were supposed to have a record recorded already."

Upcoming Releases

"There is no definitive timeline for completion, but it feels good to still be moving forward with the band after so many years together."


Twice-convicted pedophile Tripp Eisen will not let the verbal smackdown by Edsel Dope of Dope go unanswered. To recap, Tripp Eisen posted a statement...


So far, in the States, there was only rock band to play a show after the quarantine began, and that was Great White last...

Fuck Yes!

A positive health update on the Prince of Darkness.