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Search results for "fail"

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some cool live stuff, long awaited returns, some grossness, and more! To the metals...


It’s probably easy to assume that all the classic heavy metal groups in history started off with inspired records, but looking back, that’s not...

Music Videos

Although they hail from the famously pleasant country of Canada, BornBroken, might be the heaviest and angriest thing we've heard from their parts in...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...

New Music

New Underoath song! New Underoath album in April.

Latest News

This album is an explosive assault from start to finish, from the strong songwriting to the endless flow of killer riffs and leads, to...

Gear Gods

Samus Paulicelli had the idea to make Avenged Sevenfold sound even heavier with some death metal drumming, and the resulting sound is awesome. This is...


Although there isn't much awareness of an Israeli metal scene, Orphaned Land is easily the biggest and most recognizable heavy act from the Middle...


"One of the things that drives me nuts about [the latest Florida shooting] is everything failed. The FBI failed, and there was a police...

RIP a Livecast

There is so much Phil Anselmo on this episode and it's hilarious. We were given nearly 20 minutes of banter from Phil's Superjoint Ritual...


Erdve's debut record is not without its flaws but there’s nonetheless more good than bad here.


Agrimonia has been pushing their brand of outside art form further away from the center of the circle pit for a decade and, on...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes weird shit, divisive albums, lots of feedback, stuff my cat dislikes, and more! To the metals...

Scene Report

Pittsburgh is a great city for metal.

Upcoming Releases

It's easy to see how one assumes the band is working on new material.

New Music

It's James Benson's (Amiensus, Adora Vivos, Fail to Decay) new project!

Full Album Stream

Listen to an exclusive stream of the long-awaited album from the Belgian duo!

Latest News

He also produced Judas Priest, Exodus, and King Diamond.