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Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Christie Gersten who had the best zinger: Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Megadeth. Now...

Funeral Doom Friday

This week, Funeral Doom Friday takes a look at the most recent work from one of the genre's more pivotal bands.


Gazing into the abyss with Charles Cure from New York's HUSH.

Tech-Death Tuesday

It's time once again to enter an aural realm of derangement, that which is known under the umbrella term of technical death metal. For...



Around the Interwebs

Sorry to be a party-pooper, but that is Photoshopped!

Bands and Booze

There are a lot of Lemmy petitions going around lately. Last week, we told you of the push to get a heavy metal named...

br00tal Comedy

Before my news feed was filled with touching tributes to David Bowie… all weekend I saw this classic clip being passed around of Iron...

Upcoming Releases

Municipal Waste don't give a shit.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked this week's episode off with discussion about the Guns N Roses reunion. We then shared memories of Lemmy, and made some jokes...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Devun Nolan who had the best zinger: If we could make an entire world out of...

Funeral Doom Friday

Get to know this Oakland quartet and their highly anticipated sophomore album ahead of its January 15th release!

br00tal Comedy

Lemmy Kilmister, vocalist, father… milk spokesperson? Finnish milk company Valio shot footage with the Motorhead frontman just weeks prior to his death, while Motorhead...


Usually the lineup is announced by now, but there might be trouble.

Shocking Revelations

Chris Holmes actually said this: “Too bad [Lemmy] didn’t die on stage. That’s probably where he would have wanted to die. Like [late Pantera...


There's a lot of things you need to know before getting to hit the road, bitter truths that you'll hear, and probably ignore, which...

Tour Dates

If you dig these bands, get off your ass and go!

Latest News

One bar can't contain all of Lemmy's friends and fans.

Our friends over at Gear Gods have what I would like to describe as an obsession with guitarist Sarah Longfield. Sarah, herself, seems to...

It's Just Business

Looking to "make it" in the music business? These are the type of financials you can look forward to…