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Latest News

A few weeks back, Lamb of God confirmed their North American tour with direct support coming from Anthrax. But we did not know the...


Sure, it's not metal, but it's pretty good if you're into that sort of thing.

br00tal Comedy

Since Adele's 25 is everywhere this week, Ten Second Songs' Anthony Vincent decided to cover her lead single "Hello" in 25 different styles, including some...

Latest News

Police Chief Cecil E. Smith says it isn't what it seems.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off discussing the fallout from the terror attacks in Paris and recent tour cancellations. We got a call from a Muslim...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to justgrowweed who had the best zinger: when being deaf has its advantages Now for this week's...

Shocking Revelations

A police officer in Sanford, FL has been relieved of his duties as an officer after appearing on-stage in uniform at a Vital Remains...


Metal festivals have been increasing in frequency and popularity in recent years, with massive ones taking place in every developed country in the world....


Davis is getting a lot of mainstream love this week.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hello again you demented readers out there reading this! For those joining us for the first time this is a recently started weekly column here...

Music Videos

A few weeks ago, Puscifer released the music video for "Money Shot" featuring a lot of lucha libre action. Today's video for "The Remedy"...


That title is misleading. I'm not really shocked, Baroness have been making beautiful music for a while now.

Latest News

"I was asleep and then around six or seven in the morning, my phone starts going off"

Latest News

The band is understandably shaken by the Paris attacks.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked off the show talking about the Guns N Roses reunion rumors. We then spent some time discussing the tragic shooting at the...

Upcoming Releases

Back in August, Deftones were saying they were hoping for a November release for their oft-delayed new record. Well, it's November and clearly the...