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Matching Tags: upcoming releases


We go away for a few days and all this awesome stuff gets released… > First off, Headbangers Blog has the premiere of the...

Tour Dates

Just because OBITUARY pulled out of their upcoming headlining run with DYING FETUS and ORIGIN, doesn't mean those guys weren't going out on the...


> KINGDOM OF SORROW's new video for "Lead Into Demise" can be seen above. Rather crushing if you ask me. > Those fine young...

Tour Dates

Well, Chuck Billy confirmed it on Sunday night at their sold out NY show, and dates are slowly creeping in for the Oh snap,...

Latest News

> Todd Evans, better known to GWAR fans as bassist Beefcake the Almighty, has announced he is leaving GWAR to focus on playing guitar...

Tour Dates

More dates have been announced for the upcoming DEATH ANGEL/GOD FORBID co-headlining tour now called "In Thrash We Trust" trek this May/June. SOILENT GREEN...


France's GOROD, not to be confused with Randy Blythe's favorite new band GOJIRA, is definitely a band listened to often here at Metal Injection...

Latest News

> Metal Kult has been posting a bunch of awesome videos from a recent Brooklyn performance by MASTODON. > ARSIS posted 2 new songs,...


UNEARTH have posted a new video for "March of the Mutes" which is your typical live video affair. The clip comes off their upcoming...

Latest News

> Headbanger's Blog has posted a preview and the premiere of the new 3 Inches of Blood video. > AVENGED SEVENFOLD posted a new/old...

Tour Dates

More dates have been released for the upcoming tour featuring HATE ETERNAL, SOILENT GREEN, SKELETONWITCH, and TOXIC HOLOCAUST: April 10 – San Antonio, TX...


In Flames are nothing if not consistent. They've made virtually the same album four times in a row since 2002, including their upcoming full-length,...

Latest News

> MI favorites GOJIRA announced they will be heading into the studio in April to work on a follow-up to From Mars to Sirius....


Poland's most controversial export, BEHEMOTH, have posted behind the scenes footage from the shoot for their upcoming video "At The Left Hand Ov God"....

Tour Dates

The following, seemingly official, tour dates have been released for the upcoming MAYHEM FEST which features SLIPKNOT, DISTURBED, MACHINE HEAD, MASTODON, DRAGONFORCE, SEVENDUST, THE...


IN FLAMES has posted the new video for "The Mirror's Truth," the first single off their upcoming album "A Sense of Purpose. Due on...

Latest News

MESSSHHHUUGGGAAAAHHHHH has posted the title track off their upcoming masterpiece obZen on their Myspace page. March 11th is the big day when the album...

Latest News

  Genghis Tron are streaming their new full-length album, "Board Up The House", via their Myspace page. The CD is scheduled to release February 19 in North...


> CHILDREN OF BODOM have posted a song from their upcoming album, Blooddrunk, on their Myspace page. The song, "Banned from Heaven" sounds exactly...

Latest News

As we previously reported, vocalist Nate Johnson announced he was leaving THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD. This was in addition to their drummer...


> GENGHIS TRON has posted a new track online entitled “Things Don’t Look Good” on their MySpace page. The track comes off their upcoming...

Latest News

> Children Of Bodom have set an April 15th North American release date via Spinefarm for their new album "Blooddrunk". > God Forbid are...


While we were away for a week tracks from two of my more anticipated releases made their way online… First off, the fine bloggers...