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Search results for "Suffering"


By Ben Apatoff Why should fiction get all the fun? There are plenty of great metal rockumentaries, especially in the past few years, and...


By Ben Apatoff Shame on anyone who pronounces thrash metal to be dead. Bands like MUNICIPAL WASTE and SKELETONWITCH are fanning the neo-thrash flame...

Revelations of Doom

It's that time again. Revelations of Doom, Grim Kim's ongoing homage to the raw, the mean, and the devilishly dirty corners of the extreme...

In the News

Guitarist Waclaw "Vogg" Kieltyka of Polish extreme metallers DECAPITATED has finally named a replacement for his late brother, Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka, whose 2007 death...


Cosmo Lee, the proprietor of the kvlt review blog, Invisible Oranges and past contributor of many awesome reviews here at Metal Injection has been...

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It's no secret we think this new FOX reality show with the Osbourne family is going to be really stupid. Thankfully, some Fox affilliate...

Metal Injection Radio

Blaspherian - Allegiance To The WIll Of Damnation Brainstorm - Falling Spiral Down Nachtmystium - A Seed For Suffering Kingdom Of Sorrow - Piece...

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So a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a hilarious quote by the self-proclaimed Prince of Darkness, when asked about his new record, and...


Due to the large amount of videos today, and the fact that I'm always suffering from technical difficulties here, such as double posts, the...

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HIMSA have posted the cover art for their forthcoming album, “Summon In Thunder”, to be released through Century Media September 17th, at this location....

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Florida blackened death metal band INFERNAEON frontman Brian Werner has been interviewed by About.com and covered details surrounding the band's debut release, "A Symphony...

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Florida's blackened death metallers INFERNAEON have confirmed a handful of dates in Miami in support of the band's forthcoming debut, "A Symphony of Suffering."...

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SEEMLESS Frontman Jesse David Leach posted online a very heart felt and inspirational "challenge" to his fellow musicians today on an official SEEMLESS Myspace...

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>Philadelphia’s self-proclaimed criminal thrash band RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER have restructured their lineup following the departure of vocalist Eli Shaika and announced their first show back....

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Another weekend approaches its ending, so much news saturated with bullshit, so I'll bring out the interesting ones to the forefront: KILLSWITCH ENGAGE has...