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Search results for "Productions"

Heavy Metal Underground

In 2013, despite widespread unrest, political turmoil, civil wars, and ongoing Western meddling in sovereign affairs, the Middle East hosts a thriving metal scene....

Best of 2013

It's that time of year again, folks! "Best Of" list season is upon us! It's that magical three week period in December when we...


Evangelist, noun: one who spreads the gospels of Christ far and wide, with the intention of converting as many new acolytes as possible, by...


Maryland Deathfest is one of those festivals that pretty much every metal fan knows about… but what makes it so special? Why this particular...

Upcoming Releases

Each week when I write THE WEEKLY INJECTION, I find readers bitching about me not covering more "underground" bands. Mind you, I don't do...

Open Metacast

It was my birthday last weekend, and as part of my celebration I not only got the opportunity to watch one of my friends...


Toxic Holocaust have always been good for solid albums, but Chemistry of Conciousness is just something else… damn.

Latest News

Testament have been out on tour pretty much all of 2013 and they're giving you the opportunity to hear one of their live performances...


Ever since 2009, there have been incredible infomercial productions created for the Gathering of the Juggalos, the annual Insane Clown Posse summer event that...

Open Metacast

Summer has hit hard here at the Open Metalcast studios, and unfortunately there isn't any air conditioning in here. It's 87F in here, and...

Latest News

Good news for my fellow head banging Gothamites! This summer New York City's getting a brand new music fest that's geared to fans of...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...

Music Videos

Twenty years into their band history, Extol may have some of their strongest material yet. From their self-titled album out June 25, "A Gift...

Upcoming Releases

As of April 27, melodic death metal titans Mercenary are all done with their newest record Through Our Darkest Days and are shooting for...

Upcoming Releases

Spring is here again and that means chirping birds, blooming flowers, and a new album from everyone's favorite trve kvlt, church burning, racist murderer!

Music Videos

The final music video off the final album of UK doom legends Cathedral's career, The Last Spire, out April 29th on RISE ABOVE Records....

Open Metacast

Recently we got the chance to speak with Tony C. of the band Judicator, and one of the founders of the label Masters of...


Meshuggah put on a spectacular performance. There are still some dates left on their current tour for you West Coasters, and I highly suggest...

Music Videos

GOJIRA guitarist/vocalist Joseph Duplantier recently told the UK's Rock Sound magazine about the clip, "The song is about the Buddhist meaning of the word...

Music Videos

This is the Official Music Video for UNANSWERED taken from the album "The Cleansing." The footage was Filmed & Edited by Jerry Clubb of...

Music Videos

The clip was directed by James Harmsworth of Express Media Productions. The song comes off PSYCROPTIC's fourth album, "Ob(Servant)"

Music Videos

"Anthems of Apocalypse", the new video from WINDS OF PLAGUE blends live audio/video from the group's December 20, 2008 show at The Glass House...

Music Videos

Produced and directed by Rick Mauck for Look Both Ways Productions. The track Cause For Cancer comes from Hero Destroyed's self-titled Relapse debut.