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Creeping Death está transmitiendo su nuevo sencillo "Vitrified Earth" de su próximo disco Boundless Domain que saldrá el 16 de junio. “La historia que...

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"But it seems like the sun is still rising in the land of all things [Megadeth]."

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"In my opinion, it's going to be a huge surprise for people."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Extreme, Geld, Johnny The Boy, and Legion of the Damned.

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"The fans are gonna get pissed, and they're either gonna boycott it or they're gonna go."

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"Lorna Shore was the band that proved that we can fill those rooms again. We can do all those things."

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Not because gatekeeping rules, but because of the conversation it causes.

In The Studio

Produced by Scott Atkins once again.


From Buckethead to Steve Vai and beyond!