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For a lot of bands the sophomore release is a big deal. And for some it's a make or break moment as to whether...


Pedigree doesn't grow on trees: three members of new LA quartet Palms cut their teeth in the now-splintered Isis, with the fourth being none other than Deftones frontman Chino...


Rudiments of Mutilation. Do you even need anything beyond that? It's a title that is immediately identifiable and stands out. It's one of those...


When Five Finger Death Punch brought up legendary Judas Priest vocalist Rob Halford out to perform a new track at the Golden Gods a...


There aren't many bands that maintain a consistency while constantly progressing from album to album. It seems like everyone wants to renew and reinvent...


Having been blasting and burning around for a few years, Impious Baptism have finally unleashed their first proper full length. Their offering is a...


In the 80s, metal feuds started on the Sunset Strip, today on Facebook. Five Finger Death Punch frontman Ivan Moody posted this on his...


It's somewhat disarming that, in an era where bands are forced to deliberately misspell (Pyyramids, CHVRCHES) or omit vowels (VYGR, MSTRKRFT) from their names in order...

Tour Dates

This is a ridiculous package. A few weeks ago, the Deftones announced another run across North America, but did not announce any openers. Today,...

Best of 2012

We also asked our photographer Jeffrey Chan to submit his favorite photographs of the year. Here is his list… Throughout 2012, I was able...

Tour Dates

…and here is tour announcement #3. Deftones are heading back out on the road next March. The band announced new routing today. Tickets go...


Is there really such thing as an unlikely location for a metal band to originate these days? Process of Guilt are natives of Portugal,...

Latest News

Unlike most Five Finger Death Punch news, there isn't anything to troll about the anti-suicide PSA that the band just put out. I also...

Latest News

Every year, the Revolver Golden Gods Awards ends up being the biggest party of the year when it comes to metal. We always run...


Charging up their batteries for an imminent European tour, Matthew Skarajew and Paul Mazziotta of diSEMBOWELMENT, er… d.USK, er… Inverloch take a brief respite...


With all due respect to New Orleans, the center of the sludge universe has in recent years shifted to Savannah, Georgia, that sleepy burg...

Upcoming Releases

Looks like Nachtmystium are in the studio working on a new record. Frontman Blake Judd has been quoted as saying "The new record will...


Burzum's long awaited comeback after 11 years of silence was a quiet one: 2010's Belus was generally well received but in many ways flew...

Tour Diary

The Human Abstract is currently on the road with The Atticus Metal tour. Guitarist A.J Minette will be checking in frequently with updates from...


by Jeremy Ülrey Continuing apace the goth-country minimalism he's specialized in since his 2005 reemergence, Dylan Carlson once again saddles up his warhorse and...

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Every now and then I come across a truly unique atmospheric and eloquently moody metal band that stands above the rest. Finnland's own Insomnium...


There are a ton of metal feuds but this may be the first recorded metal feud over Twitter in history! Apparently, former SHADOWS FALL...

Latest News

Fresh off this summer's Mayhem Fest, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH vocalist Ivan Moody sat down with Headbangers Blog to discuss Moody the success of...