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Injection Reflection

This was a tough week for heavy metal, hopefully next week is going to be a little less tragic. Heartless Pastor Blames Victims of...

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It doesn't make any financial sense.


I bet the Motley Crue frontman will get a lot more questions about this now…

Injection Reflection

This was a very varied week for metal news. Here's what we got: SABATON Frontman Has To Walk 323 Miles To The Next Gig...

Bands and Booze

Less than 100,000 of these cans will be available and only in Quebec :(


Remember a few years ago when Metallica were celebrating their 30th anniversary and they finally made amends with Dave Mustaine and invited him up...


If you compare Taylor Swift's open letter to Lars Ulrich's testimony 15 years ago, the complaints are virtually the same!


Ever since arising on the fringes of the black metal scene in 2010, Vattnet Viskar has done just about everything in their power to...

Injection Reflection

Lots of stuff happened this week and the weather is actually nice for a change here in NY. I'm heading outside… SLIPKNOT's Corey Taylor...

Upcoming Releases

You know what? Fuck it. I don't even care anymore.


A new thread on Reddit popped up yesterday asking "Girls who have slept with rock stars; How was it? What was you perception of...


Kirk Hammett is a man who knows a thing or two, so I'd listen.


As reported in most corners of the metalsphere last Monday, the van carrying members of Wormreich and Khaotika, who were supporting Kult of Azazel...


"The singer sounds like he’s sitting on a toilet seat, pushing a big one. I can’t stand it! "

Injection Reflection

This week's biggest story was the fake H&M controversy. Sgt. D had a great opinion piece on how it's reflective of the sad state...


“The visual acts as a very simple representation of political and legal injustice,” says the album’s Art Director, Roger Gorman.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked off this week's episode with fallout from last week's discussion of the vandalization of Dimebag's grave. We moved on to discuss Lars...

Injection Reflection

This was the week that Slipknot got socked! Also, we got some interesting covers and Lars Ulrich went partying. Here are this week's 10...

Upcoming Releases

It's finally happening! Here's the latest…

Upcoming Releases

Another trail in a long line of bread crumbs...


There is one constant in all of Slayer's albums… Tom Araya's consistent vocal delivery.