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Machine Head have been in the news a lot lately for both good and bad reasons: Good being they're releasing a demo of a...

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Do these guys ever take a break?

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No longer accepting jobs for cowboys, he's now a child of the scorpion.

Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...


We've been waiting patiently for five years since Behemoth dropped their 2009 blasphemy Evangelion. Obviously nobody could be angry about the wait given frontman,...

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If you are a tri-state RevoManiac then you're in luck. Revocation singer/guitarist Dave Davidson will be hosting a 7 -weekend song crafting masterclass in...

It's Just Business

"Rationalize" may be a little misleading.

Fuck Yes!

Happy 25th anniversary to Meshuggah!


Fans of The Haunted have been pretty disappointed over the past six years. While the band's first four records are still holding up well...


The topic of ‘supergroup’ or ‘all-star’ band conjures some images of epic failures and some distinguished triumphs; De La Tierra being billed this way immediately...

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Hey, at least this one has a happy ending.

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I have a feeling it'll be their heaviest to date.


Get your windmill on to some video game tunes made crushingly heavy!

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Remember when we were talking about Entombed releasing a new album called Back to the Front and then absolutely nothing happened for a while?...


Intervals, the group that used to be instrumental but now kick a substantially larger amount of ass with the addition of vocalist Mike Semesky...


Texas metalhead threatens Texas state official.

Around the Interwebs

Unless you'd like to have a painful ear-related affliction or go deaf, then you might want to wear some ear plugs at the next...

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Exist, consisting of Cynic and Death to All's Max Phelps on guitar and vocals, bassist for Jeff Loomis' band Alex Weber on bass and...