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Metal Band Does Amazing Renditions Of Final Fantasy Music

Get your windmill on to some video game tunes made crushingly heavy!

Get your windmill on to some video game tunes made crushingly heavy!

On Monday, Jan. 13, the guys over at MetalSucks posted about a group called Knight of the Round and cited them covering a Final Fantasy VII song, arguably one of the most popular soundtracks to a video game ever composed. Given I'm a pretty big fan of the series I had to dig a bit deeper to see what the band's deal is… only to find out that on the surface it's exactly what I thought- a metal band covering jams from Final Fantasy.

However, that's the glory of the whole thing! It's a metal band taking amazing compositions mainly by Nobuo Uematsu (and a little Masashi Hamauzu where applicable) and making them heavy as shit. You can check out their most recent record from December of 2013 titled Onward Toward Dissension below, which covers pretty much the entire span of the games from the originals all the way up Final Fantasy XII! Get your nerd on!

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