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Search results for "halloween"

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The UK duo of Inconcessus Lux Lucis will finally be releasing their second studio album this coming Halloween. WSJ and ALJ fuse classic black metal...

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"I am a father who tries to make a living to feed his family, that is my job and I could not be happier."

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Electric Wizard are Black Sabbath fans? Wow, who knew?


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

At The Movies

The following is a guest post by Tombs frontman Mike Hill. Metal and horror have always been connected. Black Sabbath, arguably the first real heavy...

The Obituarist

Hi kids, do you like violence? Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here again with more sick underground offerings to embalm your earholes this...

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Hatebreed, Crowbar, Whitechapel, Prong, Oni, and Kyng.

Around the Interwebs

We've seen black burgers, black chickens, and the blackest black of them all, and last year we even saw (hard-served) black ice cream – but...

Shocking Revelations

She actually "got it" with Manson once she actually saw him live

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Four days at the luxurious Now Sapphire Riviera Cancun in the paradise of Puerto Morelos on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.


Throughout highschool, I was sucked deeper into the black hole of the Marilyn Manson universe. As I researched each band member, I remember stumbling...

Music Videos

It's not Halloween, but whatever.


It's a fun death metal ditty, which is a weird sentence.

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Electric Wizard built its own studio, and the new stuff is definitely coming along.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Happy Halloween, the greatest holiday on Earth! And while there’s plenty of Gothic appreciation and Lovecraft mythos to go around via...


Heavy metal is, to quote Mr. Ian Christie, the sound of the beast. Heavy metal is music made for evil; it's supposed to be...

Music Videos

Korn's latest music video is creepy as all hell, just in time for Halloween. The video is for "A Different World," their new single...

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Good ol' boys in DevilDriver, yessir.


It gets pretty hippy dippy all up in there.