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Avatar's Johannes Eckerström talks Avatar Country, their glorious benevolent ruler and the band's 'world's fair'

New Music

They didn't call the split Iron Gatecreeper. What a wasted opportunity.

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"Last thing, friends – stay rational and reasonable and think carefully before you speak… and caste a stone at innocent people."

Best of 2017

Hundreds of acts, narrowed down to the best 18

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Not that we're complaining. We need more.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. I'm excited to be back bringing new music to your ears all year...

New Music

A Perfect Circle just need some synth and they'll be in on the chillwave revolution.


Featuring tons of old members.


It's been a few weeks since Manson offered a hot take.

Latest News

Another year, another list. This has been, in my not so humble opinion an excellent year for heavy metal. We've seen a ton of...

Best of 2017

Another year is just about in the books. As the world teeters further and further toward the chasm of total breakdown, we the good...


Nevermore's discography at a glance, commemorating departed frontman, Warrel Dane.

br00tal Comedy

Produced by Andy Rehfeldt with vocals by Dori Kreisz, this mash up duo have made the Mariah Carey holiday classic the most brutal of...

Best of 2017

I continue to feel very fortunate to have a place at Metal Injection and other media outlets to share what I believe to be...


Atmospheric Blackened Doom esoterica certainly makes for a challenging listen, but also a fascinating one.