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Despite losing two members in the crash, the band vows to continue.


As with many bands that start off mixing and matching disparate sub-genre tropes to varying effect, Barren Earth have grown exponentially in terms of...

Metal In The Mainstream

The character of "Omar" on the HBO series The Wire may be one of the most unique, awesome characters in any dramatic series ever. If...


It sounds like a more aggressive version of Trivium, with a different vocal presentation.

Celebrity Metalheads

Is metal going mainstream?

RIP a Livecast

Rob was in the LA area for NAMM, so we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to recap some of our funniest bits...

Music Videos

Chris Amott's Armageddon releases the first music video off their release Captivity and Devourment, out 1/27. Check out our exclusive behind the scenes clip of the...


For all their quality attributes Armageddon are hardly the sea changing world beaters as either fellow Swedes At the Gates nor Amott's brother Michael's...

Celebrity Metalheads

Allow us to put our celebrity gossip hat on for a second.


The band kind of Armageddon!

RIP a Livecast

We kick off this week's episode briefly discussing Darren's wedding party. Then we acknowledge the biggest controversy of the weekend. In hour two, we...

Injection Reflection

The Christmas break is right around the corner, which means very merry news stories. Here are this week's 10 most trending stories and videos:...

At The Movies

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Upcoming Releases

Are you looking forward to new music from Manson?


Chances are, most of you are familiar with Excel as the band Dave Mustaine fingered as victims of a Metallica rip-off. Sure, “Enter Sandman”...


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!

Injection Reflection

Also, did Linkin Park narc on Sublime at a recent festival?


The battle of the Amott brothers! WHO WILL BE SHRED-TORIOUS.

Music Videos

Canada's favorite accountants-by-day-metalheads-by-night have a trippy new video. The animation was created by The Christopher Mills. The track comes from the band's new album, Entrench, out now...

Black Metal History

In a genre as insular and niche as black metal is, it stands to reason that the eschewing of live performance and interviews in favor...