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Search results for "Genius"


Over the last few days, the rumor mill was abuzz that longtime heavy metal power couple, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne were splitting. It started...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Latest News

So we're getting a new Amorphis album on April 19, but on April 17 we're getting Amorphis bourbon sauce. Seems like it'll be a...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Latest News

Who would've thought that "Call Me, Maybe?" and "Head Like A Hole" would work so well together? But they do! Listen to this new...

Black Metal History

By the turn of the century, Enslaved had produced a quartet of compelling albums, establishing themselves as reliable and unique purveyors of the blackened...

Music Videos

From the album Die Miserable. Visit the band's BandCamp page to stream, download, or purchase physical copies of the album. Video directed by David Hall of Handshake...

It's Just Business

Protest The Hero are known as a progressive band. With their record label contract up, and the band decided to take a progressive step...


Well, it's that time of year again, and as a student I can say that the month of December is nothing short of hell...

Around the Interwebs

If you are an active internet participator, you definitely know about grumpy cat by now, right? Here is a little backstory for those of...


Gene Simmons is a character. Whether he's hocking KISS coffins, urns or trying to be your accountant, the guy has quite the lifestyle he...


So remember when Rage Against The Machine bassist Tim Commerford responded "definitely, maybe" when asked by TMZ reporters if his band was working on...


Last year, some musical genius combined Slipknot's "Psychosocial" with 18 year old pop star Justin Bieber's "Baby" into a pretty impressive mashup. While I...

Around the Interwebs

Hey, today is Halloween, the most metal of all holidays (except maybe Passover). One of the sacred traditions of Halloween is the famed pumpkin...

Show Recap

Just over five months ago Black Sabbath, the band who the term ‘heavy metal’ was coined for, played their first hometown show in Birmingham...


Some people are often too busy laughing at the ridiculous music videos and comedic novelty of the animated series Metalocolypse to realise that Dethklok...

Upcoming Releases

No time to waste on silly introductions folks, this just may be the best line-up in the history of THE WEEKLY INJECTION. For serious....

Tour Dates

Unlike their fellow Cleavland metal bands, asking for upwards of $4,500 dollars to see the band perform, Chimaira are keeping things reasonable. The band...

RIP a Livecast

So much was learned on this Livecast. We learned dick'll make you slap somebody. We learned about the Hulk Hogan sextape. We learned what...

Latest News

Gene Simmons is a walking, breathing (last we checked) Jewish stereotype. Born Chaim Weitz in Israel, Gene lived the American dream with KISS. And KISS is...

Sick Art

Whether you're a music collector or download enthusiast, I'm sure you have wondered about the meaning and motives behind the artwork representing some of...


Epic. Masterpiece. Mind-blowing. Superlative, superlative, superlative. It's hard to hide my excitement here; Portal Of I, down to its final note, is the perfect...


Welcome to a special interview edition of MSRcast, as we sit down with the vocalist from both underground Death Metal stalwarts, Ingurgitate and Demoniacal...