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Search results for "motley-crue"


Spoiler: Sounds not so good.

Tour Dates

The band even signed a Cessation of Touring Agreement legally binding them to never tour again.

At The Movies

Motley Crue's The Dirt is considered the standard when it comes to rock and roll autobiographies. Personally, I have yet to get through the...

Injection Reflection

It was a scary week filled with accidents, fights and unnecessary nudeness. Here are this week's top 10 most visited pages: SYLOSIS Involved In RV...


Nic Cage's son, Weston, has been popping up a lot lately. A few weeks back he did a radio show interview where he revealed...


Friday afternoon is the perfect time for some hair metal drama. Sebastian Bach has historically been known to talk a lot of crap. In all...


Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx is getting married to his 27-year-old girlfriend and model, Courtney Bingham.

Metal Merch

This is not a joke, although it'd be a funny one. We've covered lame metal merch in the past, whether it be Metallica Monopoly,...

Metal Merch

Wow, when I saw this earlier on MetalSucks I couldn't believe my eyes. Motley Crüe will say yes to anything. Motley Crue now have...