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In The Studio

"To the point where I go, 'Yeah, people won't like this.' So it's probably what I should do.'"

Tour Dates

Featuring opening spots from Take Offense, Bonginator, Slow Pulse, Come Mierda, Frog Mallet, and BRAT.


Meet some of the greatest men in music!

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"It was bootcamp, just surviving, learning how to work an audience."


"Let the Truth Speak is a magnificent journey ripe with philosophical weight and creative wonderment."


From Jeramie Kling to Domino Santantonio, we've got some choices.


"Resurrection of the Flesh is an absolute must own for any fan of Celtic Frost and the earliest years of extreme metal."

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"I'd certainly like to start playing something."

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It could happen, though there's nothing planned.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from MTVoid, Shylmagoghnar, Sodom, Triumph of Death, and Vastum

Upcoming Releases

Converge, Stephen Brodsky, Chelsea Wolfe, and Ben Chisholm ride again!


"However familiar The Fear of Fear may be, there’s no question that it finds Spiritbox operating at the top of their game."

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"We couldn't have been more proud of how the metal community on board rallied together to support each other."